Skip to the Point - April 24, 2002

A Day in the Life

Well, what’s this make, four? Doing alright by my count. I was debating what to write this one about for a long while. I already wrote one up in fact, it was a mockery of another Runners View. I decided against that though, it was too much of a ‘dis’ to the other person and was way too boring. I thought also about writing about how it was to be friends with some of the greatest runners in the state, but I will save that one for a possible finale. I choose to write this View on the importance of one person’s idea, and the effect it has had on West Virginia distance running. The man? Matt Apesos. The idea? West Virginia Online Runner Directory Message Board.

Now, one might ask, “How is that so important?” The answer to that is very simple; “It is gradually bringing times in the state down.” And the obvious argument to that is, “What effect can a stupid, confrontational web site have on race times?” Obviously a lot.

I am not going to say that the “Board,” as it is known to many, single handedly lowered times, but it did have a major influence on training and racing in West Virginia. It’s simple to see, too. If it weren’t for Matt’s board, a lot of training and racing strategy would be unshared, and some people would be in the dark on what the rest of the state is doing. It certainly helps the faster runners to find out what other people in the state are training like, times don’t tell the whole story. Training in West Virginia today is a lot better then it was in the early and mid ‘90s, just ask some guys like Ricky Moore and Josh Watson how much they ran in High School, I am sure you will be shocked. And as a direct result of better training, due to better knowledge, there are better times in meets. There is owed the first Thanks to Matt Apesos.

Another great thing that has come to from the board, friendships. True, there have been many arguments and fights over juvenile things on the board, but the good outweighs, greatly, the bad. As an example I will just name a few friends I have met directly, or indirectly, on the board: Justin Simpson, Matt Apesos, Keith Rand, Josh Simpson, Seth Hauser, Jay Urse, Josh Sheets, Kenny Beerbower, Cali Wesson, Maria Stover, Karen Wigal, Stephen Hiser, Adam Benford (and the Ravenswood guys,) and many, many more. These are friendships that I would not give up for anything, other than a Klondike bar, that are almost completely due to the board. And I know that a ton of other people have met great friends thanks to the board. There is owed the second Thanks to Matt Apesos.

There are other great things that the board has spawned like: the West Virginia Indoor Track Club, attempted fund raising for RunWV [a thanks goes out to the higher ups at WVU for that one (SARCASM,)] mass doughnut eating, and other great events and moments.

So TRIPLE Thanks goes out to Matt Apesos. I would like to see everyone send thanks out to him on “The Board.”

Oh yeah, I wanted to say a few things about my trip to New York. 1. West Virginians are so sheltered it isn’t even funny. 2. The WTC, that’s a BIG hole (absolutely no disrespect.) The men and women down there everyday, still searching seven and a half months later, they are just amazing and they deserve some kind of tremendous accommodation. 3. The engineers that designed the transportation systems up there, yeah, they are good.

Side Note: Good Luck to ALL on a Great season. Times are the fastest they have been in a long while, and the State Meet will be outstanding!

Ethan "Skippy" Wells

Tyler Consolidated High School